Wednesday, May 30, 2012

8 Ways to Use Edmodo Over the Summer | Edmodo – Safe Social Networking for Schools

8 Ways to Use Edmodo Over the Summer | Edmodo – Safe Social Networking for Schools

Teaching summer school?  Looking for something to continue your students school connection over the summer?  Check out these 8 ways to use Edmodo over the summer.

Ready by Exit: CCSD Site Visit Part 7 of 7

Before we headed out to visit schools Friday morning (April 27), we were all invited to breakfast by Superintendent  Dwight Jones.  After breakfast Superintendent Jones spoke  to us about the Clark County School District Ready by Exit growth model.  With Kentucky beginning to implement a growth model, I found this presentation intriguing and informational.  CCSD is so far ahead with the growth mdoel that they should serve as an example to all of us trying to use a growth model.  In an effort to be completely transparent, their web page displays each school and where they scored on the growth model.  For those of you familiar with NWEA MAP, the gridding is similar to NWEA's growth map.

The growth model they are using in the Colorado Growth Model, which Superintendent Jones and his copresenter, Dr. Kenneth Turner designed while working together in Colorado.  I intend to follow their use of the Colorado growth model and learn from what they're doing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bracken Elementary School: CCSD Site Visit Part 6 of 7

Our final stop on our tour of schools was Bracken Elementary, one of the Clark County School District magnet schools.  We were welcomed in song by a group of students, who then took us on a tour of the building and grounds.  We met the school pet turtles who live in the courtyard, the faculty, parent, and student carved totem pole, as well as the community gardens.  The hallways were all outdoors, which living in the midwest, we could never get away with.

As for the classrooms, we visited at least one class from each grade level.  The school has Promethean boards and iPads in every classroom.  The school's reading focus centers around Accelerated Reader (AR), with the principal touting the increased amount of points students have earned.

Students and teachers alike exercise every morning together on the school grounds.  An interesting concept that I don't think would go over here.

Overall, I liked the tone the school sets, the leadership shown by the principal, and the accessibility of technology in every classroom.  I'm not so sure I agree with the focus on AR points.  I would want to dig deeper into those results and look at the actual comprehension taking place.  Hopefully that's the next step for this school.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Vertex42 Templates

One of my favorite sites to go to when I need a Word or Excel template is Vertex42.  I have found many templates useful for both my personal life and my professional life.  Their selection of calendars is plentiful, even including perpetual calendars.  Templates are available in a variety of formats such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs, and Open Office.